As one of the only 172 accredited agencies nationwide, the Novi Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department (PRCS) provides exceptional park, recreational and cultural opportunities that are diverse and enhance lives.  The Department focuses on maintaining quality parks and providing high quality recreational programs to invite and retain business, generate retail sales, improve property values, provide economic impact, and attract citizens to the community.

The Department manages over 1,400 acres of parkland and and 12 developed parks. The parks system includes Brookfarm Park, Ella Mae Power Park, Fuerst Park, Grand River Fields, ITC Community Sports Park, Novi Dog Park, Pavilion Shore Park, Lakeshore Park, Rotary Park, Village Wood Lake, Villa Barr Art Park, and Wildlife Woods Park.

For Fiscal Year 2018/2019 PRCS:

  • served 129,000+ program users
  • served 73,000+ seniors through Older Adult Services
  • gave 16,000+ rides through Older Adult Transportation Program
  • maintained 15.7 miles of hiking trails and 10.1 miles of biking trails, totaling 25.8 miles

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